Building Backlinks for Successful Search Engine Optimization

5 Rules for Quality Backlinks

building backlinks

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Backlinks are important for successful search engine optimization (SEO). They help your website gain authority based on incoming organic traffic. There are many effective strategies and techniques used by SEO companies to make their websites stand out. Building backlinks is one of the ways in which they do this.

What are Backlinks?

To start off we need to understand what backlinks are. Backlinks are incoming links to your website from another website. They affect a sites status and ranking in search engine results. Websites that are linked by many other websites are considered more valuable and are ranked highly.

Search engines determine ranking based on a few factors – such as authoritative content, strong HTTPS encryption, user experience, and many more. The exact weighting of backlinks is not known but we do know that they have a significant effect on ranking.

Backlinks should be natural and organic in order for it to improve the ranking of a website. The quality of a backlink is more important than number of backlinks a website has. Many websites buy backlinks, exchange links or selling backlinks. This is prohibited by search engines and these websites are penalized if they are involved in such practices.

How to Build Quality Backlinks?

It is important that your website remains relevant as this is a factor that greatly affects link acquisition. Search engines determine relevancy based on three things – the content of the websites linking to yours (linking domains), the content on the linking page, and the relevancy of the backlinks linking to your website.

  1. 1. Linking to authoritative websites receives better results for your website. You would have to use link analysis tools found online to see which sites have the most authority as search engines like Google produces ranking lists. The top link analysis tools would be Ahrefs, Majestic and Open Site Explorer.
  2. 2. Be sure that you are receiving backlinks from real sites with real organic traffic. You would need to download SEM Rush for you to know the traffic data of a website. This tool gives you the analytics of any website so you’ll be able to see which sites get the most traffic.
  3. 3. In order to build successful backlinks, you need to make sure that you distribute your anchor text logically. Anchor text is the characters and words displayed by the hyperlink when other websites link to yours. Incorrect anchor text will prevent your website from ranking while careless anchor text could get your website penalized. Anchor text should be concise, relevant to page it’s linked to, not use the keyword too heavily and not be common.
  4. 4. Concentrate on receiving backlinks from websites that have high criteria. You don’t want your website to be linked to websites that are unpleasant and messy. Inspect potential linked websites and make sure you know what they are linking to your page, their links are relevant and their outgoing links are being received by trusted websites.
  5. 5. Create a diverse collection of backlinks. This show search engines that your website is reliable and that many different online platforms think highly of your website and are confident enough in your website to link it.

Link acquisition takes time and shortcuts will only have devastating results. Follow these rules to ensure you build quality backlinks and watch your referral traffic and visibility grow.

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