Best Website Builder Choice According To SEO | Connectica LLC

Wix Or WordPress Which Is Best For SEO?

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When you are building a website, there are certain things you need to be sure of. It’s more than simply choosing the best possible website developer or building tool. One of the most important criteria when choosing a website builder, is ensuring that the optimization process for SEO is both functional and effective.

SEO is one of the cornerstones to brilliant online marketing. The website builder you choose could literally make or break your visibility and the user experience of your target audience.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a strategy designed to increase quality and quantity of your content online so that you can rank organically in search engines. This is the most important marketing tool you can utilize. Additionally, it’s changing by the day. SEO is important in all stages of website development. Everything from website structure, design, and the overall digital marketing strategy.

We have years of experience with multiple niches when it comes to websites that truly rank on search engines. If you need help with your SEO strategy we’d love to help you out. You can also read more on our SEO tips section of the blog.

So, when it comes to Wix or WordPress, which is the best option for your business website, when it comes to SEO? Let’s take a look at each of them in different points of interest below.

User Friendliness For Site Building

Each of the website builders mentioned (Wix and WordPress) has a level of user friendliness when it comes to the build. Each of them has a library of possible templates to choose from, as well as tools and plugins which make building a good-looking site with great functionality fairly easy if you know what you’re doing. They have multiple solutions in place and are improving the build process by the day.

Visual Look & Feel

It’s possible to create a slick website in any of these builders, with an eye for graphic design and website look and feel, any of the templates you would choose could mean an aesthetically pleasing experience for your potential customers.

However, having a beautiful site is one thing, ranking on SEO is a whole new ball game and one we think is essential to any business website. Each of the platforms has access to a level of search engine optimization, but none on the same level as WordPress.

On-Page, Off-Page & Other SEO Features

Wix and WordPress offer an array of helpful tools and tips to getting the SEO solidified on a website.

A few things to note about Wix website builder:

  • Drag & drop: the way Wix is set up from a build perspective, the drag and drop function is helpful when designing a website that looks great. You don’t need coding experience; you just need to watch one or two tutorials if you’re a beginner.

  • Off-page SEO ‘Wizard’: Wix offers users a helpful tool called the ‘Wix SEO Wiz’ which is a step-by-step planning tool to ensure you’re checking all the boxes when you’re building a site. This means if you’re ever in doubt, the Wiz will help you out!

  • Other helpful tools: Wix also has SEO apps available to users and some of them are free.

  • Technical features needed for good SEO: there are some technical features which Wix doesn’t have available to builders. For example, there is a hashtag in every Wix link, which makes it difficult for search engines to read.

  • Custom code is not allowed: unfortunately, with Wix it is not possible to add custom code, which means that your site is limited in development.

Some of the WordPress perks:

  • Endless building opportunities: WordPress, originally designed for bloggers, has evolved over time to generate more and more freedom in what a website can offer. You also wouldn’t find any limitations when it comes to coding in a WordPress site builder.

  • Thousands of plugins available: there are many plugins available to a WordPress site builder, including those to optimize content for search engines, and assist with clean content creation and building a solid site that looks great as well.

  • Integrations: Google Analytics, other Google tools and social media platforms will integrate well with WordPress.

  • URLs structured to suit search engines: the URLs in a WordPress site are well structured and will comply with best practices across the board.

The Best Site Builder For SEO

When it comes to ranking in search engines and other functionalities embedded in SEO, WordPress is the best option. Especially if you’re looking to build a site that will rank. There are pros and cons to each of the mentioned website builders; each of them has their strengths and weaknesses. We’re SEO-focused at Connectica. That means we will recommend WordPress when it comes to ranking well in searches.

Contact The Experts In SEO Website Building

At Connectica, we are passionate about online marketing. All our products and services are centered around the latest in SEO principles and best practice. Did you know we offer a free SEO report? What a great way to find out where your website is on the SEO spectrum, and for free!

Get in touch with us today! We’ll make sure your website SEO is optimized to it’s fullest potential! We’ll also ensure that the user experience is paramount.

Ready to get started building your brand? Call Connectica today at 877-816-2259.

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