Social Media Marketing In 2021: Create The Perfect Insta Ads

Social Media Marketing: Tips For Creating Ads On Instagram

social media marketing: tips for creating ads on Instagram

Read Time: 3 minutes

Instagram is one of the leading social media platforms and is one of the best options for advertising. If you own a business Instagram account, you could benefit from a targeted social media marketing campaign on “The Gram”. Since the app is focused on pictures, visual advertising works exceptionally well for certain industries; interior design, restaurants, health, and fitness, just to name a few. Finding the right way to develop your ads gives you an advantage over the competition.

Curious, and want to learn more? Follow along as our digital marketing experts’ breakdown the best practices for creating ads on Instagram.

Use Motion Ads

Most advertisements on Instagram feature pictures, but it is possible to create ads using a video. Video ads that move attract more attention than still pictures. Most televisions and computer monitors have a high refresh rate, so a moving image on a monitor appears to be smooth. An advertisement with motion is going to catch your attention more easily than a still image on the same monitor.

Improve the First Three Seconds

The first three seconds of your ad are important. The idea is to grab the attention of the person who will take the ad. The first three seconds are crucial, and they should include your brand name, your message, and your logo. You need to be able to grab their attention or they are not going to see it.

Start Carousel Posts with a CTA

When you start a post with a carousel image, the post title appears below. The person will have a chance to click a CTA (call-to-action) button within the first three seconds. The person will see your message, and you can build a relationship with your audience at the same time you are advertising.

Target Similar Audiences

When you use Instagram ads, you will be able to target specific audiences. When you target similar audiences, your ads will reach people who already like your page and business. You can build a targeted audience and improve your ROI with this method.

Optimize Your Captions

Use captions to include a CTA in the ad which will lead the user to a landing page. Include relevant hashtags and relevant contextual information. You can also use them as a way to direct your audience to the next post. Your goal should be to provide an excellent user experience and build your audience at the same time.

Allow Users to Comment on User-Created Images

If you are using user-created images, you need to allow comments on them. If you do not, people will not see the post of your advertisement and may not know what it is about. Just because you are using an Instagram photo does not mean that people do not need to know what it is about. Allowing them to comment gives the person who takes your image a chance to engage with your brand.

Try Collection Ads

If you are trying to build awareness for several products in your collection, you might consider using a collection ad. Collection ads are an excellent way to present multiple items at once. The collection ad allows you to create multiple ads within one post, which is an excellent way to utilize your characters.

Use IGTV Ads to Reach a Wider Audience

If you are looking to reach a wider audience, you should consider IGTV ads. IGTV is an excellent way to increase your visibility. If you want to appear on the Explore page, you need an IGTV ad. The video can be up to 60 minutes long, which gives you plenty of time to tell your story and engage the person watching.

Use Multiple Hashtags

When people use hashtags on Instagram, they string them together. This provides a way for people to search for your brand and find your post. This is another way you can improve your ROI by using hashtags to target people. When coming up with your next viral “Insta” post, #DontForgetAboutTheHashtags!

Get Help with Your Social Media Marketing

The best way to improve your Instagram ads is to get help from experts. Connectica, can help you make better Instagram ads with insights from years of experience managing ad development for clients. Do you want posts that attract more engagement for your brand? What are you waiting for? Contact Connectica for help with your social media marketing campaigns, today!

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